A Coach for Highly Sensitive People
- Have you ever been told that you are "too sensitive" or "difficult to deal with"? |
Monthly newsletters for highly sensitive people |
If you answered YES to these questions, chances are that you are a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP), or dealing with one. Take a short test now to know for sure if you are a Highly Sensitive Person (it takes less than 5 minutes and you'll know the answer instantly).
High Sensitivity is NOT an illness or disorder. It is a scientifically proven genetic variation that occurs in about 15-20% of humans and animals. Some people have blue eyes, some people have brown eyes. Highly Sensitive People have more mirror neurons in their brains than most of the population, and thanks to that they are able to learn faster and understand better other human beings, often without any words! They also possess a finely tuned nervous system and are able to notice subtleties in the environment that others don't, have a strong intuition and are very empathetic.
This gift can also become the biggest challenge, since HSPs have a very sensitive nervous system that gets overwhelmed much faster. They process more information than most people, and need much more time to recover - a luxury they don't always have in the modern super-connected world. High Sensitivity can become a real gift for an organization or a person if properly managed, but if an HSP is stressed out, he will shut down or become ill very easily, and no doctors will be able to establish a proper diagnosis.
Here are some typical characteristics of a Highly Sensitive Person:
- They easily understand the needs of another person even if the person hasn't fully expressed them. Can be absolutely amazing at any client relationship management, especially with "difficult" clients nobody else understands.
- They tend to need a lot of "alone" time to recover (usually much more compared to non-HSPs)
- They hate "small talk" and love deep meaningful conversations
- They are lovers of nature and all forms of art and need to spend lot of time in the nature to recharge their batteries
- They often get drawn to professions where they can help other people
- They "just know" what's right to do, although they often will try to explain that in rational terms
- They can sometimes get sick just because they've talked to somebody for too long
- They find it difficult to stay for a long time in the environment with lot of noise/flashy lights/in big crowds
- They quite enjoy being around people, but need to withdraw after they've been in public, and thus are often seen as introverted
- They take longer to recover from stress and can often get genuinely upset if someone criticizes them or their work, and can spend days thinking about it
- They are sometimes seen as "shy" or introverted by others, or even consider themselves like that - although what they really do is being careful and watchful
As you can see from this description, it might be quite difficult for an HSP to fit into the social structures at the early stages of their career, when they still have to stick to the corporate rules and cannot negotiate some flexibility in terms of working hours or a choice of a desk. This, however, does not mean that there's something wrong with them. A HSP can have a very successful career or business (Steve Jobs or Richard Branson are good examples) - they just need to learn how to build it from who they really are - a highly intuitive and empathetic person!
If you are a Highly Sensitive Person who wants to have a successful career or business while remaining who you are, you are in the right place.
I help Highly Sensitive People learn to appreciate and manage their Sensitivity and Intuition gift to build a successful career and business from who they truly are. A Highly Sensitive person myself, I've spent over 12 years in fast-paced corporate and start-up environment in five different countries (before venturing into coaching business, I worked as a Client Director for one of the largest global advertising agencies managing multimillion ad campaigns), and learned all the tricks that work and don't for HSPs to create a successful career or business.
High Sensitivity is NOT an illness or disorder. It is a scientifically proven genetic variation that occurs in about 15-20% of humans and animals. Some people have blue eyes, some people have brown eyes. Highly Sensitive People have more mirror neurons in their brains than most of the population, and thanks to that they are able to learn faster and understand better other human beings, often without any words! They also possess a finely tuned nervous system and are able to notice subtleties in the environment that others don't, have a strong intuition and are very empathetic.
This gift can also become the biggest challenge, since HSPs have a very sensitive nervous system that gets overwhelmed much faster. They process more information than most people, and need much more time to recover - a luxury they don't always have in the modern super-connected world. High Sensitivity can become a real gift for an organization or a person if properly managed, but if an HSP is stressed out, he will shut down or become ill very easily, and no doctors will be able to establish a proper diagnosis.
Here are some typical characteristics of a Highly Sensitive Person:
- They easily understand the needs of another person even if the person hasn't fully expressed them. Can be absolutely amazing at any client relationship management, especially with "difficult" clients nobody else understands.
- They tend to need a lot of "alone" time to recover (usually much more compared to non-HSPs)
- They hate "small talk" and love deep meaningful conversations
- They are lovers of nature and all forms of art and need to spend lot of time in the nature to recharge their batteries
- They often get drawn to professions where they can help other people
- They "just know" what's right to do, although they often will try to explain that in rational terms
- They can sometimes get sick just because they've talked to somebody for too long
- They find it difficult to stay for a long time in the environment with lot of noise/flashy lights/in big crowds
- They quite enjoy being around people, but need to withdraw after they've been in public, and thus are often seen as introverted
- They take longer to recover from stress and can often get genuinely upset if someone criticizes them or their work, and can spend days thinking about it
- They are sometimes seen as "shy" or introverted by others, or even consider themselves like that - although what they really do is being careful and watchful
As you can see from this description, it might be quite difficult for an HSP to fit into the social structures at the early stages of their career, when they still have to stick to the corporate rules and cannot negotiate some flexibility in terms of working hours or a choice of a desk. This, however, does not mean that there's something wrong with them. A HSP can have a very successful career or business (Steve Jobs or Richard Branson are good examples) - they just need to learn how to build it from who they really are - a highly intuitive and empathetic person!
If you are a Highly Sensitive Person who wants to have a successful career or business while remaining who you are, you are in the right place.
I help Highly Sensitive People learn to appreciate and manage their Sensitivity and Intuition gift to build a successful career and business from who they truly are. A Highly Sensitive person myself, I've spent over 12 years in fast-paced corporate and start-up environment in five different countries (before venturing into coaching business, I worked as a Client Director for one of the largest global advertising agencies managing multimillion ad campaigns), and learned all the tricks that work and don't for HSPs to create a successful career or business.
Curious to learn more about Highly Sensitive People?
If you haven't done that yet, take now this short test to determine if you are one of them - it only takes 5 minutes and you'll get instant result! You can also:
- learn more about HSPs in my blog following the tag Highly Sensitive People,
- contact me to ask about individual or corporate coaching work with Highly Sensitive People,
- or sign up below for my free monthly coaching tips below to kick start your new life.
A life where you as a Highly Sensitive Person are truly appreciated for who you are, what you do, and how you do it!