More episodes of Sensitive and Successful available on iTunes.
The world can be overwhelming for highly sensitive people sometimes, especially when deadlines are piling up and a working environment is highly competitive. However, even in such a highly stressful industry as law it’s possible for a highly sensitive person to become successful on their own terms. In the new episode of Sensitive and Successful coach Anastasia talks to London lawyer Tania Golubko on the importance of prioritizing, controlling one’s environment and walking for a career success. More episodes of Sensitive and Successful available on iTunes.
I absolutely love today’s new episode of sensitive and successful! My today’s guest Kazakh-British Lola Askarova has built a highly successful marketing career in multinational companies, while developing her “side hustle” as a writer. Lola, my former colleague, has always been seen as a peacemaker, and her presence and voice would calm the most demanding clients. In this new episode of Sensitive and Successful, she shares, how her sensitivity helps her deal with the most difficult people, talks about the importance of finding the right organizational culture for a highly sensitive person to thrive at work, the strength of sensitive people as managers and leaders, and the importance of understanding and reframing the story you tell yourself about yourself. And I absolutely love the sound of her voice :) What story do you tell yourself about yourself and your sensitivity? Reply in comments to this post! Sensitivity researchers say that highly sensitive people tend not to feel well in highly competitive environments. Does this mean that a highly sensitive person has to say bye to their ambitions? No way, says my today's guest. Xenia is a member of UK's national ultimate frisbee team and sales director of a Hollywood major studio, and a highly sensitive person. She believes that as long as the rules of the game are clear and competition is fair, a highly sensitive person can be successful. We talk about how sensitivity can be helpful for a career in movie business and how sports can be a way to channel your own "weirdness". And how is your relationship with competition and competitive environment? Do you try to avoid it? Is there anything that helps you thrive in it? Post your answers in comments below this video! Sensitive and Successful. Episode 1: A Sensitive Man. Adam Woodhall: "How we disempower ourselves"20/5/2017
Way too many highly sensitive people I’ve met struggle to accept their sensitivity and blame it for problems in their careers and relationships. The world around them is too overwhelming, they say, and the corporate world is just too harsh for an HSP, let alone running your own business. This victim mentality certainly doesn’t help improve the situation, as doesn’t denying your sensitivity and trying to be like everyone else.
So having seen so many disempowered people I became curious – are there any highly sensitive people out there who actually made it in their career or business (and maybe not even in spite of, but thanks to their sensitivity)? What is it like to be them? It turns out, there were quite a few among people I knew. This is how “Highly Sensitive and Successful” project was born. It was created with an idea to empower those sensitive people, who feel that sensitivity is an obstacle to their life, financial freedom and ability to make changes in the world. I talk to HSPs from different backgrounds – British, French, Russian, Kazakh, Greek, who work in different fields – in the corporate world, non-profits, arts, or run their own business. They are lawyers, bankers, coaches, writers, designers, actors, marketers, volunteers, scientists, economists, mums and dads. I ask them the same questions – what is their experience of being a highly sensitive person? How do they turn sensitivity to their advantage? I define “success” not in terms of money or fame. In fact, most highly sensitive people I talk to belong to middle class. Success for me is that they built their lives and finances on their own terms, honouring and using their sensitivity. I hope these conversations will be an inspiration for those of you who are still looking for your ways. I decided to make the first interview from "Highly Sensitive and Successful" series with a sensitive man. A rare species, according to some social standards (although sensitivity is even distributed between men and women). What’s even rarer, he is perfectly fine with his sensitivity, while clearly exhibiting some traits of an “alpha-male” behaviour. We talk about sensitivity and masculinity, putting labels on yourself and others, and disempowering stories we tell ourselves that we can turn into empowering ones. Meet Adam Woodhall, a sustainability consultant and public speaker, who is also well known in London alternative dancing scene.
How do you disempower yourself? And what could you do to stop doing that and start self-empowerment? Post comments under this video!
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What are your mornings like? Are you swamped with tonnes of unread emails, trying to follow-up on multiple requests, just to find out that by lunchtime they have only multiplied? Busy, but not doing much?
Morning is the only time when your nervous system is still not overloaded and you aren’t yet influenced by other people’s problems or emotions. So take advantage of it! Watch my Tuesday Tip to find out how!
Also, to help you design your perfect morning, I've create this magic checklist - print it out and use every morning before you go to work! It's magic because it allows you to seamlessly achieve what you want by focusing your attention on the right things. To make sure it works, read first these 10 productivity tips - they work especially well for Highly Sensitive People (you can know if you are one of them by taking this quick test).
Morning is the only time when your nervous system is still not overloaded and you aren’t yet influenced by other people’s problems or emotions. So take advantage of it! Watch my Tuesday Tip to find out how!
Also, to help you design your perfect morning, I've create this magic checklist - print it out and use every morning before you go to work! It's magic because it allows you to seamlessly achieve what you want by focusing your attention on the right things. To make sure it works, read first these 10 productivity tips - they work especially well for Highly Sensitive People (you can know if you are one of them by taking this quick test).
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Chief inspirator, start-up mentor, professional Co-Active life coach and career coach, systems worker and passionate tango dancer. Get to know me!
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Highly Sensitive And Successful
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